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The Antichrist and the False Phophet




There will be one political leader (Antichrist) and one religious leader (False Prophet)

The Antichrist and the False Phophet
The Antichrist and the False Phophet

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The Holy Roman Empire has always been led by two leaders, A political leader and a religious leader.


The political leader who will come out of the one world governmental system will be the Antichrist. Remember that scripture teaches us that the Antichrist will be the one who will stand in the third temple after it is built and will claim to be God. (the ultimate authority). (Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31; Matthew 24:15 II Thessalonians 2:3-4) Scripture also says that the little horn (Antichrist) will make war with the saints until the Lord returns. (Daniel 7:21-22) Now, we know that a beast in the Bible always represents a kingdom or a nation (Daniel 7:17; Daniel 7:23) along with the ruler of that kingdom or nation. This is really important to remember because sometimes when we say the beast, we are speaking about the world government of the end-time. Other times when we say the beast, we are speaking about the ruler of that world government of the end-time, the Antichrist himself.

Many people believe that the term Antichrist is not even used in the Bible, but I can prove to you that it indeed is. (1 John 2:18) John stated that he knew that there would be an individual Antichrist in the end-time but also made mention of many other Antichrist's. Why would he say that? Because there were many people in that time that had the spirit of the Antichrist, that was claiming to be the Christ. We know that this is one of the very things that the Antichrist will do. John was saying that there are many Antichrist's in the world but there is a singular ruler, an Antichrist that is to come.

The religious leader who will work very closely to the political leader (Antichrist) will be the False Prophet.

Lets look at where the Antichrist will come from. If we go to the book of Daniel chapter 7, verse 8, the Bible says, "I considered the horns," speaking of the ten horns on the beast. The ten horns represent ten kings, the ten kings that will support the Antichrist. So, we know that the Antichrist is going to come up among a ten-horned kingdom, or a ten-king alliance. We know that these horns symbolize kings, it says so in chapter 7 of Daniel. The Bible also says that when the Antichrist comes up among the ten kings, that he is going to uproot three of them. But, what ten kings?

When we refer to the ten horns of Daniel 7, we know that that's the same ten kings of the ten kings symbolized by ten toes in chapter 2. Now, in prophesying about the ten toes, which is the very last part of Daniel's statue in verse 44, listen to what Daniel said, "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." The ten toes are the very last thing. The Bible says there in chapter 2 that when Jesus Christ comes, he will smite the image on the feet and the wholes system of world government and of human government is going to come down.

There is one more important thing that we have to know. The legs of this image were the legs of iron, the Roman Empire, which ruled the world from about 200 B.C. until about 300 A.D. Then, the last segment of this image represents the five world governments that would rule the world from 600 B.C. until the second coming of Jesus. The very last segment was iron mingled with clay. The iron was the Roman Empire. The feet and the toes of iron mingled with clay symbolize the Holy Roman Empire. Notice that the iron element is held over, but another element is mixed in, the clay. The Holy Roman Empire has always been from Europe. Notice that these ten toes are of iron, mingled with clay. That mean the ten-horned kingdom is going to come from Europe, from the Holy Roman Empire. Based on the scripture, we can conclude that the Antichrist will come up from the Holy Roman Empire revived.

Lets take a look at the Antichrist kingdom. What is it going to look like? Revelation 13 is divided into three sections.

1. V 1-8 The Antichrist and his world government

2. V 11-15 The false prophet

3. V 16-18 The economic system

Lets look at Revelation 13:1-2

Now remember, a beast symbolizes a kingdom, along with the ruler of that kingdom. The beast symbolizes the last day world government and its ruler. It will include most of the nations on earth, including the reborn Holy Roman Empire, which was just reborn on November 3, 2009. The ten-nation union is going to merge into this world governmental system. Remember, the beast had the body of the leopard, the feet of the bear, the mouth of the lion, and the ten horns of the ten-horned kingdom. All of these beasts which were shown as separate kingdoms back in Daniel 7, have now merged into a single kingdom, the one-world government, under the process that we know of as globalization.

It is important to realize that the Antichrist is going to rule this world government. The nations that are included in this world government beast are Germany, that's the leopard; Russia, the bear; Great Britain, the lion; and the ten-nation alliance from the reborn Holy Roman Empire. So, these are the powers that we know for sure are going to be participating in the one-world government of the Antichrist. We also know from this passage and others that the Antichrist will rule this one-world governmental system for three and one-half years.

If you study the books of Daniel, Revelation and second Thessalonians, you will find that there are 53 specific prophecies about the Antichrist.

The Antichrist - (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) He is called: Man of sin, son of perdition and more

2 Thessalonians 2:8 He is called: that wicked

Daniel 7:8 He is called: little horn (Daniel 7:21-22)

Revelation 13:4-5 He is called: The beast

1 John 2:18 There have been many people who have been "Antichrist's" but there is one to come who will be final Antichrist.

Where will the Antichrist come from?

Answer: Daniel 7:8

These 10 kings are the same as the 10 kings symbolized by the 10 toes in Daniel chapter 2

The Holy Roman Empire was reborn on Nov 3, 2009

The Antichrist is a man, not a system (Daniel 7:24-25) (A king is a man...)

The Antichrist will confirm the Abrahamic Covenant (Daniel 9:27) (Covenant is found in Genesis 15:18)

The Antichrist will have a part in the signing of the peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, though he may not be out front and well known at the time.

The Antichrist will use peace as a weapon (Daniel 8:25)

The Antichrist will have a fierce countenance (Daniel 7:20 & Daniel 8:23)

The Antichrist will claim to be God in one form or another (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

This event is called the abomination of desolation (3 1/2 years before the battle of Armageddon) Also, the event that triggers the great tribulation (the revealing of the Antichrist)

The Antichrist will be regarded as brilliant (Daniel 7:8 & 8:23)

The Antichrist will be a persecutor of God's people (Revelation 13:7 & Daniel 7:21)

The Antichrist will dominate the world but will face resistance (Revelation 12:14)

The Antichrist will not control the country of Jordan (Daniel 11:41)

Edom is southern Jordan, Moab Mountains are in central Jordan, Ammon is Amon, Jordan

The Antichrist will have opposition even during the final 3 1/2 years (Daniel 11:44)

The Antichrist will honor the god of forces (Daniel 11:38 & Daniel 11:31)

Gun control will be a major favor of The Antichrist

The Antichrist will change times and laws (Daniel 7:25)

The message of The Antichrist will be "change, change, and more change"

The Antichrist will not regard the desire of women (Daniel 11:37)

The desire of women could wither mean that he could be a homosexual or that the desire of women, as in the Bible and even so now, (women desire to have children more than anything else of this world). The Antichrist agenda could be to change our nation to conform to the same laws of China where they are only allowed to have one child per household to control and secure population.

The name of, or the number of his name will be or calculate up to 666 (revelation 13:18)

Revelation 15:2 The number of his name will somehow add up to 666

The Antichrist will be promoted by a miracle-working religious partner (the false prophet)


Revelation 13:11-15

The False Prophet is going to be the most famous and the most well-liked religious leader on the planet. He is going to use his religious influence to tell everybody this world government is good, this new world order is good this man, this world dictator is a gift from God. He will not call him the Antichrist. He will not call him the beast. He will not call him the man of sin or the son of perdition. He is going to exalt him, enhance him and influence the world to follow him.

Now, the other beast had seven heads and ten horns. This beast has two horns like a lamb, "and he spake as a dragon." What a paradox here because in the Bible, when you think of the lamb, you think of good. Jesus Christ himself was called the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. However, this second beast looks like a lamb, but looks can be deceiving. He looks like the lamb, but he speaks like the dragon. Well, who is the dragon in the Bible? In Revelation 12, verse 9 it talks about that dragon, the old serpent, the devil and Satan. So, he looks like Jesus Christ, but he speaks like the devil. He is a prophet, but he is a false prophet. The false prophet is going to influence the world to follow the Antichrist.

Revelation 13:12-13 talks about how he will exercise all the power of the first beast before him. He is going to be very powerful. His religious influence will put him in a position of great prestige. People are going to worship this religious leader when he performs for them by pulling down fire from Heaven.

We also know that the False Prophet is going to help influence the world leaders to invade Israel. So, this False Prophet is going to be no friend of Israel's. (Revelation 16:13-14) Unclean spirits will come out of the mouth of the dragon , out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the False Prophet.

It all began in 800 A.D. when Pope Leo III placed a crown on the head of Charlemagne, Charles the great from Germany, pronouncing him emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope has always been the spiritual leader of the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire of the end time is going to be the same. The political leader will be the Antichrist and the spiritual leader will be the False Prophet. Do you realize that even the Catholic prophecies predict an evil Pope is coming and he will be the last Pope. Catholic friends who have been asked if this were true have answered, "oh, yeah, the nuns taught them that when they were in eighth grade in catholic school. If you read their prophecy books, many of them adamantly believe that there is an evil Pope coming. So, when we say that the last Pope, the Pope who is in power at the time of the Antichrist, will be the False Prophet, even Roman Catholics can agree with that because they too believe that there is an evil Pope coming.

Let me tell you about Saint Malachy. In the eleventh century there was a catholic seer. He was the arch bishop of Armagh of the eleventh century. He claimed that he saw a vision of all the popes from his time until the last Pope. In this vision there were to be 112 popes from Malachy to the very last Pope. This last Pope was to become an evil Pope and during the last Pope's reign, Rome was going to be destroyed. That's what Malachy said. He wrote all of this in a book. It lay in the Vatican archives for 400 years or so. There weren't printing presses then and it was to expensive to reproduce. Nobody knew whether they believed it or not. When the printing press was invented, they printed some copies and they began to circulate. Still, they didn't make much impact. However, when it got close to the 112th Pope, more copies began to be printed and people began to study, what if Malachy is right? What if there are 112 Pope's to come? By that time they were at 110, which was Pope John Paul II.

Now, one more thing I want to make sure you understand, when Malachy said the last pope, during his reign Rome would be destroyed, did you know the Bible teaches that? The Bible talks about mystery Babylon and it calls mystery Babylon the city of seven hills and Rome is the city of seven hills. The Bible teaches that mystery Babylon is going to be destroyed. The scripture says, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen." There's a great earthquake. Well, it says in the prophecies of Malachy that an earthquake is going to destroy Rome. So, once the 110th Pope, Pope John Paul II was on his death bed, a lot of people became very concerned about the prophecies of saint Malachy. Not only did the prophecies tell how many Pope's but there was a clue of identification given with each Pope. The clue for the 111th Pope was, The Glory Of The Olive. When you stop and look at that, you say, okay, wait a minute. When Pope John Paul II was on his death bed, there was actually an article written by a man from India. The day before the cardinals went to the conclave in the sistine chapel to elect a new Pope, Pope John Maul II had just died. This man wrote this article to the prelates, saying please, don't elect anyone that has anything to do with the olive because if you do, all the end time nuts are going to come out of the woodwork and they are going to claim that this is the 111th Pope and there is only one Pope left. Well, the cardinals went into the conclave and very quickly they elected a new Pope, cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany. However, it is always the policy when a new Pope is elected that he chooses the name under which he will rule. He wouldn't rule under Ratzinger. He would choose a name of some famous predecessor. Many have chosen Pius, many have chosen John, many have chosen Paul. Well, 15 of them have chosen the name Pope Benedict.

Revelation 13:12 He will be seen pulling down fire from Heaven.

How will you and I react to this? How will the world react?

Some will weep... Some will worship... some will dance and rejoice... (John 5:39) Search the scriptures

How do we know that the second beast is the false prophet?

Answer: Revelation 13:14 and Revelation 19:20

Revelation 13:15 The false prophet will be a chief perpetrator of the great tribulation

Revelation 13:16-17 People will have to have a mark or number given by the one world government to participate in the economy. To buy or to sell.

Revelation 16:13-14 The false prophet is going to help influence world leaders to invade Israel

The "frogs" are evil, controlling spirits

Whoever is Pope at the time of the Antichrist will be the false prophet.

Many Roman Catholics believe and teach that there is an evil Pope coming and he will be the last one.

Revelation 19:19 The end of the false prophet and the Antichrist will happen when Jesus returns and cast them into the lake of fire.

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