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Jesus' Return To The Earth




Jesus will return to this earth and establish his kingdom.

Jesus' Return To The Earth
Jesus' Return To The Earth

Time & Location



About the Event

Revelation 14-17

We see here that Jesus makes his return to the earth by rolling back the heavens as a scroll. Men and women of all stature, race, and social standing are found trying to hide themselves in the mountains and in caves from the Lord. Some even beg for the rocks to fall on them to avert the judgment that lies ahead.

The second coming of Jesus to this earth will be at the sounding of the last, seventh trumpet.

We read in Acts 1:5 about when Jesus was about to ascend into Heaven as his disciples watched, he told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait on the promise (Holy Ghost). They witnessed him lift from the ground and be taken into a cloud that received him.

Acts 1:9-11 The angels say that in the same way that the disciples had seen him leave this earth, he would return the same way.

Matthew 24:23-27 There will be false Christ's and prophets the Bible says. Also, Jesus will return in the clouds of Heaven.

Matthew 24:29-31 When Jesus returns, every eye shall behold him. He will send his angels to gather his elect.

Matthew 24:40 The Bible says that when Jesus returns, it will be something like, two men working in a field... One will be taken and the other will be left by himself.

Question: Will the clothes of those taken be left behind on the ground?

Answer: The Bible does not say for sure but the Bible does say that when they came to the tomb where Jesus was laid, the body was gone but his clothes remained. Maybe this indicates that the same will happen for us.

The Apostle Paul teaching about the rapture:

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14;17 We will be brought forth from the grave just as Jesus was.

The other ones who are still alive at his coming will be changed from mortal to immortal and called up after those who were already dead.

1 Corinthians 15:51-54 (Paul speaking) We will be changed... Our feet will leave the ground...

Book of Revelation (Accounts of the second coming)

Revelation 16:12-13;17 (Sixth seal account) People will hide from the wrath of God

Revelation 11:15-16 (Seventh trumpet account) The transition from the kingdom of men to the kingdom of God (See: Daniel 7:9)

Revelation 11:18 Nations try to invade and destroy Israel which makes God angry

The two accounts of the harvest:

1 - Matthew 13:37-39 (Sower = Jesus, Good seed = Those saved, Field = World, Tares = Unsaved, Enemy = The Devil, Harvest = End of the age, Reapers = Angels)

Matthew 13:40-43

2 - Revelation 14:14-20 (The harvest of the earth is the wheat, The vine of the earth is the tares, The city is the city of Jerusalem, The wine-press is the battle of Armageddon)

The battle of Armageddon will begin in the plain of Megiddo and will culminate in Jerusalem, about 160 miles (1,600 furlongs).

Revelation 19:6-7 Jesus meets his bride (church) in the air.

V 8-9 We are all called but who will be chosen?

V 11 Jesus comes on a white horse, coming to judge and make war against the ungodly.

V 12 He will be crowned with many crowns

V 13 His name is called the word of God (John 1:1; 14)

V 14 The church will follow him forever, also to the battle of Armageddon

V 15 God is angry with the nations... will not effect those called up to meet him in the air (references the wine-press again)

V 16 He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords

V 17 He calls the fowl of the air to eat the flesh of men and animals

V 19-20 The beast (Antichrist), one world leader make war with Jesus. They are thrown into the lake of fire

Revelation 20:1-2 Satan will be bound for 1,000 years. There will be peace on earth and no signs of war. Even the animals will do no harm to one another.

V 3 After the 1,000 years, Satan will be loosed for a little season

V 4 Those who were killed because they resisted the mark of the beast

V 5 Speaking of the evil dead, they lived not again until the 1,000 years were finished. The resurrection of the just is the (first resurrection).

V 6 The immortal do not have to worry about death

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