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Revelation Chapter 7
John witnesses several angels having a conversation about the 144,000 who have the name of God (Jesus) in their foreheads. Some people believe that these 144,000 are only Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. However, as John was listening, in verse 9 he said, “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;”. According to John and what he witnessed, the number of people was innumerable. John was describing the church. These also who had the name of God in their foreheads we read about should inspire us to ask ourselves, what is the name of the father? Jesus said in John 5:43, “I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive”. We know that there are more than 144,000 who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and who have been born of the water and of the spirit, so John must have been referencing the church in Revelation chapter 7.